As of May 21, 2004, the National Library of Canada (NLC) and the National Archives of Canada (NAC) became Library and Archives Canada (LAC).
Effective March 1, 2000, the National Library of Canada will implement and distribute bibliographic records containing the revised definition of Leader/06 (Type of record), code m (Computer file). Under the revised definition, electronic resources are now coded for their most significant aspect (e.g., language material, graphic, cartographic material, sound, music, moving image). The new definition is as follows:
m - Computer file
This code indicates that the content of the record is for the following classes of electronic resources: computer software (including programs, games, fonts), numeric data, computer-oriented multimedia, online systems or services. For these classes of materials, if there is a significant aspect that causes it to fall into another Leader/06 category, the code for that significant aspect is used instead of code m (e.g., vector data that is cartographic is not coded as numeric but cartographic). Other classes of electronic resources are coded for their most significant aspect (e.g., language material, graphic, cartographic material, sound, music, moving image). In case of doubt or if the most significant aspect cannot be determined, consider the item a computer file.
Existing records - Records will be revised on an as encountered basis.