The French translation of MARC 21 Update N° 39 (December 2024) is now available.
The bilingual version of the different Field Code Lists for Bibliographic, Authority, Holdings and Classification Formats have been updated according to Update N° 39. [Library and Archives Canada Website]
The code lists in French have been updated according to the following TECHNICAL NOTICES on the Library of Congress Website for the period of October 2 to December 12, 2024.
September 4, 2024
The French translation of MARC 21 Update N° 38 (June 2024) is now available.
The bilingual version of the different Field Code Lists for Bibliographic, Authority, Holdings and Classification Formats have been updated according to Update N° 38. [Library and Archives Canada Website]
The code lists in French have been updated according to the following TECHNICAL NOTICES on the Library of Congress Website for the period of March 12 to September 4, 2024.
February 29, 2024
The code lists in French have been updated according to the following TECHNICAL NOTICES on the Library of Congress Website for the period of January 23 to February 27, 2024.
January 18, 2024
The French translation of MARC 21 Update N° 37 (December 2023) is now available.
The bilingual version of the different Field Code Lists for Bibliographic, Authority, Holdings and Classification Formats have been updated according to Update N° 37. [Library and Archives Canada Website]
The code lists in French have been updated according to the following TECHNICAL NOTICES on the Library of Congress Website for the period of August 29 to December 5, 2023.
August 31, 2023
The code lists in French have been updated according to the following TECHNICAL NOTICES on the Library of Congress Website for the period of August 8 to August 22, 2023.
August 14, 2023
The French translation of MARC 21 Update N° 36 (June 2023) is now available.
The bilingual version of the different Field Code Lists for Bibliographic, Authority, Holdings and Classification Formats have been updated according to Update N° 36. [Library and Archives Canada Website]
The code lists in French have been updated according to the following TECHNICAL NOTICES on the Library of Congress Website for the period of Febrary 22, 2023 to July 18, 2023.
February 17, 2023
The French translation of MARC 21 Update N° 35 (December 2022) is now available.
The bilingual version of the different Field Code Lists for Bibliographic, Authority, Holdings and Classification Formats have been updated according to Update N° 35. [Library and Archives Canada Website]
The code lists in French have been updated according to the following TECHNICAL NOTICES on the Library of Congress Website for the period of September 21, 2022 to January 25, 2023.
September 1, 2022
The French translation of MARC 21 Update N° 34 (July 2022) is now available.
The bilingual version of the different Field Code Lists for Bibliographic, Authority, Holdings and Classification Formats have been updated according to Update N° 34. [Library and Archives Canada Website]
The code lists in French have been updated according to the following TECHNICAL NOTICES on the Library of Congress Website for the period of December 9, 2021 to August 24, 2022.
December 15, 2021
The French translation of MARC 21 Update N° 33 (November 2021) is now available.
The bilingual version of the different Field Code Lists for Bibliographic, Authority, Holdings and Classification Formats have been updated according to Update N° 33. [Library and Archives Canada Website]
The code lists in French have been updated according to the following TECHNICAL NOTICES on the Library of Congress Website for the period of April 15 to December 7, 2021.
July 21, 2021
The French translation of MARC 21 Update N° 32 (June 2021) is now available.
The bilingual version of the different Field Code Lists for Bibliographic, Authority, Holdings and Classification Formats have been updated according to Update N° 32. [Library and Archives Canada Website]
March 31, 2021
The code lists in French have been updated according to the following TECHNICAL NOTICES on the Library of Congress Website for the period of February 5 to March 15, 2021.
December 15, 2020
The French translation of MARC 21 Update N° 31 (December 2020) is now available.
The bilingual version of the different Field Code Lists for Bibliographic, Authority, Holdings and Classification Formats have been updated according to Update N° 31. [Library and Archives Canada Website]
The Relators code list in French has been updated according to the following TECHNICAL NOTICE on the Library of Congress Website.
November 27, 2020
The code lists in French have been updated according to the following TECHNICAL NOTICES on the Library of Congress Website for the period of July 28 to November 24, 2020.
July 8, 2020
Code lists in French have been updated according to the following TECHNICAL NOTICES on the Library of Congress Website for the period of April 13 to June 26, 2020.
June 23, 2020
The French translation of MARC 21 Update N° 30 (May 2020) is now available.
The bilingual version of the different Field Code Lists for Bibliographic, Authority, Holdings and Classification Formats have been updated according to Update N° 30. [Library and Archives Canada Website]
May 12, 2020
Code lists in French have been updated according to the following TECHNICAL NOTICES on the Library of Congress Website for the period of February 21 to March 13, 2020.
March 1, 2020
The French translation of MARC 21 Update N° 29 (November 2019) is now available.
The bilingual version of the different Field Code Lists for Bibliographic, Authority, Holdings and Classification Formats have been updated according to Update N° 29. [Library and Archives Canada Website]
February 1, 2020
The French translation of MARC 21 Update N° 28 (May 2019) is now available.
The bilingual version of the different Field Code Lists for Bibliographic, Authority, Holdings and Classification Formats have been updated according to Update N° 28. [Library and Archives Canada Website]
Code lists in French have been updated according to the following TECHNICAL NOTICES on the Library of Congress Website for the period of October 4, 2019 to January 17, 2020.
December 9, 2019
The French translation of MARC 21 Update N° 26 (April 2018) and MARC 21 Update N° 27 (November 2018) is now available.
The bilingual version of the different Field Code Lists for Bibliographic, Authority, Holdings and Classification Formats have been updated according to Update N° 27. [Library and Archives Canada Website]
October 30th, 2019
The French translation of MARC 21 Update N° 25 (December 2017) is now available.
The bilingual version of the different Field Code Lists for Bibliographic, Authority, Holdings and Classification Formats have been updated according to Update N° 25. [Library and Archives Canada Website]
Code lists in French have been updated according to the following TECHNICAL NOTICES on the Library of Congress Website for the period of February 8 to September 13, 2019.
September 6th, 2019
Code lists in French have been updated according to the following TECHNICAL NOTICES on the Library of Congress Website
August 16, 2019
Code lists in French have been updated according to the following TECHNICAL NOTICES on the Library of Congress Website
December 1, 2017
The bilingual version of the different Field Code Lists for Bibliographic, Authority, Holdings and Classification Formats have been updated according to Update N° 24. [Library and Archives Canada Website]
August 7, 2017
The latest MARC 21 Update, N° 24 [May 2017], is now available. [Library of Congress Website]
The bilingual version of the different Field Code Lists for Bibliographic, Authority, Holdings and Classification Formats have been updated according to Update N° 23. [Library and Archives Canada Website]
January 13, 2017
The latest MARC 21 Updates, N° 22 [April 2016] and N° 23 [November 2016], are now available. [Library of Congress Website]
The bilingual version of the different Field Code Lists for Bibliographic, Authority, Holdings and Classification Formats have been updated according to Update N° 22. [Library and Archives Canada Website]
December 1, 2015
MARC 21 Update N° 21 [September 2015] is now available. [Library of Congress Website]
The bilingual version of the different Field Code Lists for Bibliographic, Authority, Holdings and Classification Formats have been updated according to Update N° 21. [Library and Archives Canada Website]
September 3, 2015
MARC 21 Update N° 20 [April 2015] is now available. [Library of Congress Website]
Some Code lists have been updated according to the latest TECHNICAL NOTICE [March 13, 2015]. [Library of Congress Website]
The bilingual version of the different Field Code Lists for Bibliographic, Authority, Holdings and Classification Formats have been updated according to Update N° 20. [Library and Archives Canada Website]
Please note that three new co-opted members have joined the Canadian Committee on Metadata Exchange.
Please note the new MARC 21 email address [ ] that is due to the changes in the structure of the service mailbox addresses. We are now in a period when both the new and old structured addresses work.
April 20, 2015
Following discussions during its January 2015 meeting, the Canadian Committee on MARC agreed to adopt a new name Canadian Committee on Metadata Exchange.
October 15, 2014
A bilingual version of the different Field Code Lists for Bibliographic, Authority, Holdings and Classification Formats are now available online.
June 3, 2014
Update 18 is now available online.
The full French MARC 21 Holdings Format is now available online. Each field is available as a separate PDF file. The full MARC 21 Formats in English are available from the Library of Congress web site where it is possible to print directly from the description of each field.
Breadcrumbs have been improved on our pages.
Canadian Committee on MARC pages have been updated.
Links to our French pages have been updated.
December 12, 2013
Following the publication of the updated Web site in early 2013, some of the pages needed a few more modifications such as correction of links.
The Library of Congress has modified many of its Codes and Terms lists. These are some of the new lists released in recent updates.
May 27, 2013
The full French MARC 21 Bibliographic and Authority formats are now available from this website. Each field is available as a separate PDF file. The full MARC 21 formats in English are available from the Library of Congress web site where it is possible to print directly from the description of each field. It is planned to upgrade the concise French MARC 21 holdings format to the full format in the coming months. This site also includes code lists and other documentation in English and French, with links to corresponding documentation on the Library of Congress website.
The MARC 21 formats are prepared by the Network Development and MARC Standards Office, Library of Congress, in cooperation with Content Management, Library and Archives Canada and Bibliographic Standards and Systems, British Library. Library and Archives Canada is responsible for translating and publishing the French formats.
MARC 21 supersedes the 1994 edition of Canadian MARC Communication Formats and its updates published between 1994 and 1998. Update number six of the bibliographic format contained the changes to CAN/MARC required to align with USMARC. With this update, the specifications contained in the CAN/MARC and USMARC formats were identical. The 1994 edition superseded the 1988 edition and its seven updates issued between 1988 and 1991. The 1988 edition of the bibliographic format was produced by amalgamating separately issued CAN/MARC formats for monographs and serials.
Changes to the MARC 21 formats are based upon proposals considered by the MARC Advisory Committee, the Canadian Committee on MARC (CCM) and by the Book Industry Communications/Bibliographic Standards Technical Subgroup (BIC/BSTS).
Thank you for your continued patience while this site is in transition.