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Implementation of CAN/MARC - USMARC

As of May 21, 2004, the National Library of Canada (NLC) and the National Archives of Canada (NAC) became Library and Archives Canada (LAC).

The following list outlines the changes to the CAN/MARC authority format resulting from the harmonization of CAN/MARC and USMARC. The changes include: new fields, obsolete fields, name changes, new content designators and obsolete content designators. Name changes, new fields and new content designators are indicated by italics. Obsolete fields and content designators are flagged with the word OBSOLETE.

Please note that the changes outlined constitute a pre-implementation notice. This list is being issued for information purposes only. The National Library of Canada has developed a phased-in implementation of the harmonization changes, beginning in January 1999.

In February 1997, agreement was reached on the alignment of the CAN/MARC and USMARC formats. The National Library of Canada has developed a phased-in implementation of the changes for harmonization. These changes are documented in MARC Harmonization and its Impact on the CAN/MARC Bibliographic and Authority Formats.

First phase of implementation:

January 1999: All of the changes affecting only the CAN/MARC format have been implemented. (See below for changes which have not been implemented in this first phase).

Second phase of implementation:

Late 1999: Changes affecting both CAN/MARC and USMARC will be coordinated with LC.

The following changes fall into this category:

Bibliographic format changes to:

  • 007/04 (MAPS) Physical medium
  • 007/06 (MAPS) Production/Reproduction details
  • 008/39 Cataloguing source
  • 008/18-21, 006/01-04 (MAPS) Relief
  • 008/22-23, 006/05-06 (MAPS) Map projection
  • 008/24-25, 006/07-08 (MAPS) Prime meridian/Type of cartographic material
  • 008/23-27, 006/06-10 (Visual Materials) Form of item/Accompanying material
  • 009 (MAPS) Physical description fixed field (detailed)
  • 016 National Library of Canada record control number
  • 082 Dewey call number

Authority format changes to:

  • 008/39 Cataloguing source
  • 016 National Library of Canada record control number
  • 055 Call number assigned in Canada (Series)
  • 082 Dewey call number

Until the changes listed above are implemented, the existing CAN/MARC values will continue to be valid.

Open Data, Content Management Division
Library and Archives Canada
395 Wellington Street
Ottawa, ON   K1A 0N4
Telephone: 819-994-6936
Fax: 819-934-4388

MARC 21 en version française sur le site de Bibliothèque et Archives Canada